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Accessible Exhibit Booths

APHA's policy is to make all meetings accessible to the widest range of people. Below are some tips to make your booth accessible to all attendees. For information about accessibility services provided for registrants, visit our Accessibility page.

  • Set up displays to allow those using wheelchairs to easily enter the booth and view materials. This can be done by lowering displays or counters to table height and ensuring there is 32 inches between tables for easy maneuverability.
  • Provide order forms or promotional materials in alternate formats such as large print or on QR codes for persons who are blind or low vision.
  • If providing digital versions of forms make sure they are accessible.
  • Make sure carpet is smoothly laid out and that any cords are securely taped down so as not to hinder wheelchair users from accessing your booth. Please contact Freeman if you notice a potential hazard.
  • Videos should be should be closed captioned. There are a number of ways to caption videos on your own (a list of suggestions only for your convenience) for free or a small fee. Or you can hire a captioning service through the internet or locally.
  • Approach persons with disabilities with a positive, relaxed attitude in the same way you would approach any other prospective customer.
  • If an attendee has a disability and has an aide, personal assistant or interpreter, always address the attendee directly.
  • Plan in advance how you will welcome people with disabilities into your booth.
  • If altering your display is not an option, make up in service what you lack in "architecture".