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Healthy Community Design

smiling woman and man riding bikes

Joint Call to Action to Promote Healthy Communities

APHA pledges our support to the Joint Call to Action to Promote Healthy Communities (PDF) by encouraging our members to work together with built environment professionals to plan, build and support healthy communities.

These new conversation guides highlight successful cross-disciplinary collaborations across the country for healthy, equitable communities. Each guide includes conversational questions that health, design, planning professionals and more can use to kick-start community collaboration (all are downloadable PDFs):  

More About Healthy Community Design

The way we design and build our communities affects our physical and mental health. When people can walk, bike or roll where they need to go because of supportive infrastructure — like connected, well-maintained sidewalks and bike-friendly routes — car traffic decreases, and that can improve air quality and respiratory health. When children live in homes that do not contain lead or asthma triggers, they are better able to grow and develop in a healthy environment.

We believe everyone deserves healthy communities. Those are communities where everyone has an affordable, safe home, access to safe and healthy food and decisionmakers include health and equity considerations when making transportation and land-use decisions.

Olmsted 200 logo, children playing in parkAPHA and partner resources

Questions? Please contact Kate Robb, MSPH

Find out more about:



Urban Planning and Public Health: A Critical Partnership

Partnering to Promote Healthy Communities

Promoting Healthy Communities