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Cancer Forum

The APHA Cancer Forum comprises a diverse, multidisciplinary group of professionals representing academia; federal, state and local health departments; and private and nonprofit organizations engaged in cancer control efforts ranging from discovery to delivery.

Our mission is to:

  1. Create a focus on cancer as a public health issue within the APHA that will engage existing and new members active in cancer prevention and control activities ranging from education to practice, policy, research and surveillance.
  2. Enable cross-disciplinary interaction that integrates public health principles, engages researchers and practitioners and advances population-level knowledge and practice relevant to cancer prevention and control, from basic science to population science.

Current Leadership

Chair: Jennifer Tsui, PhD, MPH

Vice-Chair: Toby Levin

Immediate Past Chair: Michael Halpern, MD, PhD, MPH

Chair Emeritus: Adriana Babiak-Vazquez, PhD, MPH, CM (2021) Oluwaseyi Isehunwa, PhD (2020), Brad Richardson, PhD (2018 and 2019), Erika Litvin Bloom (2017), Vani Simmons (2016), Jennifer Vidrine (2015), Candace Deaton (2014), Marc Kivineimi (2013), Sona Thakkar (2012)

Secretary: Amara Orji

Treasurer: Ivy Ahmed, MPH, MCHES

Program Planning Chair: Adana Llanos, PhD, MPH

Program Planning Co-Chairs: Jessica Islam and Michelle Shin

Communications Co-Chairs: Nicholas Acuna and Banafshe Sharifian

Membership and Events Chair: Francine Baker and Kirsten Eom

Policy Development Co-Chairs: Brandon Leonard, MA, and Heather Goltz

Development (Fundraising) Chair: Marlo M. Vernon, PhD, MPH

For leadership contact information, log in to APHA LEAD using your member credentials. 

Join the Cancer Forum