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Who We Are

computer keyboard and stethoscopeMission: Our mission is to improve the public's health and promote prevention and early interventions by advancing the use of innovative and effective information technology and informatics applications.

Vision: APHA - HIIT is the global center for innovative and consumer-centric technologies, analytic methods and information technology applications in public health.

History: In 1993, Diane L. Adams, MD, MPH, developed a plan to establish a health information technology presence at APHA. Two colleagues, Brenda A. Leath, MHSA, and Lillian Tom-Orme, PhD, RN, helped Dr. Adams in presenting the first APHA oral scientific sessions on such topics as telehealth/telemedicine and information technology. Jayfus Doswell, PhD, collaborated with Dr. Adams to create a Special Primary Interest Group. In 2007, APHA established a SPIG on Health Informatics Information Technology. The HIIT SPIG grew and become a Section in two years. Since 2009, when HIIT became a Section at the APHA Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, the Section's membership has continued to grow substantially.

For leadership contact information, log in to APHA LEAD using your member credentials.